iPad 或 其它平板通过微软 RD Client连接到云电脑,由于远程控制端口暴露在外网,不可避免的带来网络安全问题。可以参照以下建议来加强云电脑的安全:
2、多因子认证。安装 Duo Security免费版,远端登入云电脑时需要手机确认。网站地址:Multi-Factor Authentication & Single Sign-On
Duo Security设置的远端登入认证
3、安装IPBan(免费)。由于远端连接的相关端口暴露在互联网会导致别人暴力破解,安装IPBan后,可以将多次登入失败的IP地址自动加入防火墙禁用。网址:GitHub - DigitalRuby/IPBan: Since 2011, IPBan is the worlds most trusted, free security software to block hackers and botnets. With both Windows and Linux support, IPBan has your dedicated or cloud server protected. Upgrade to IPBan Pro today and get a discount. Learn more at ↓